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WMW newsletter; post-NATO actions

WMW Newsletter n. 07 - November

This edition brings is dedicated specially to our closing action, held in Bukavu, Congo Democratic Republic, held from 13th to 17th October of this year. It brings also news on the action carried out by the Quebec National Coordinating Body. Click to download the newsletter (in PDF) from the 2010 action website, in:
English; French; Spanish

NATO criminalises activists for peace

WMW activists from all over Europe who were participating at the WMW European Regional joined other social movements and organisations during the peaceful demonstrations against the NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization, held on Saturday, 20th November, in Lisbon, Portugal. Once again, “heavy security measures were imposed on the citizenship to avoid protests against the lords of the world who have NATO as its armed wing”, says Almerinda Bento, from the Portugal WMW National Coordinating Body.

Women, men, children and young activists were surrounded by the police forces and not allowed to move further to demonstrate their opposition to the high military budgets that continues being kept and even increased in a crisis situation and against the fact that, through the cuts on social budgets (health, education, generation of work), we as people are paying for a crisis that others, the banks, have provoked. Click to listen an audio report from a woman activist on the repression to the protests in Lisbon (available only in Portuguese).

Many other peace activists coming from all over Europe were deported or not allowed to enter in Lisbon. For futher information on the anti-NATO events held in Lisbon, visit the following websites:
- English:    
- Portuguese:   
- Spanish:    

Last modified 2010-11-23 06:58 PM
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English, Français, Español