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Solidarity action to protect Bertha Cáceres (COPIHN), Honduras

The World March of Women (WMW) joins the call for solidarity actions to Bertha Cáceres Isabel Flores, general coordinator of COPINH - Civic Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras, who is an activist for environmental justice and community rights of indigenous, peasant, and Honduran women. Bertha was arbitrarily detained on May 24 while participating of protests to show community rejection and opposition to Zarca Water Hydroelectric Project, in the region of Rio Blanco, Intibucá, in a clear example of the strategy of repression and criminalization of popular struggles that increases in Honduras since the coup of 2009.

On Thursday June 13, Bertha is due to appear in court to answer charges that have been unjustly brought against her. The WMW is calling for the immediate annulment of the proceedings against Bertha Cáceres and demanding the Honduran authorities guarantee the necessary conditions for her to continue her vital work in Honduras.

In addition to sending letters to Honduran authorities, we request to all WMW activist and groups to add your voice to this demand! We also invite you to sign and promote this Avaaz petition so that the general public can help to put pressure on Honduran authorities to demand that the charges against her be dropped and to support the communities of Rio Blanco in their struggles to defend their territories. Here a link to their e-action

For further information, check this article on Real World Radio:

Last modified 2013-06-12 06:22 PM
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