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Looking ahead to the 9th WMW International Meeting: Brazil 2013

The 9th International Meeting (IM) of the WMW will take place in Brazil (city to be determined), around the second or third week of August 2013. At the last International Committee meeting, held in the Basque Country last October, we defined the objectives for the IM and an initial outline for its program.
At this next IM, we will continue working to strengthen the World March of Women as an ongoing movement capable of influencing the political and economic context, by:

* Deepening and increasing the visibility of our political analyses, alternatives and resistance;
* Deciding on and planning the 4th International Action;
* Electing the National Coordinating Body that will host the International Secretariat and agreeing on the transition process for its ensured continuity; and
* Strengthening the organization of the National Coordinating Bodies by means of exchanges of experiences.

At the IC meeting, the Brazilian NCB indicated its desire to make the IM a time of strong mobilization, at both the national level and for the WMW’s Southern Cone sub-region (including Argentina, Chile and Paraguay), with the goal of sharing our experience in movement-building and our contributions to feminism worldwide. The IC members approved this aim and looked for ways to combine it with the decisions that will need to be made by the assembly of delegates.

The program, as we have established it thus far, will begin with an opening activity, followed by two days of feminist discussions and training, in which we will all participate, both the NCBs’ official IM delegates and WMW activists wishing to join in, a majority of which are expected to come from the sub-region. Next, the delegates will have three days of plenary sessions, during which we will make decisions on our next International Action and our internal organization. At the same time, the other WMW activists will participate in workshops and self-managed activities. On the final day, we will come together again in a large plenary session in the morning, to share our experiences over the course of the previous days. The IM will end with a large rally during the afternoon, when we will occupy the streets of the city.  

The International Committee and the WMW National Coordinating Body in Brazil will continue to work on the subjects and methodology for the training activities and we hope to finalize the program at the next IC meeting, scheduled for April 2013. The exact dates of the IM will, however, be determined as soon as possible.

Last modified 2012-12-20 08:20 PM
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