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WMW Newsletter n. 02/2012

The People’s Summit for Social and Environmental Justice: against the commodification of life and in defence of the commons to be held in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 15 to 23 June is approaching! In this issue  of our WMW International Newsletter, we bring a special section on the our participation at the People’s Summit process including:
- Actions already planned by the WMW
- The WMW in the debates on Rio +20
- Rio +20: an overview of the official process
- June 5th: international day of action

The newsletter also includes the following articles:
- International Committee meeting follows up on decisions made at the International Meeting in the Philippines
- Security situation in Mali: between armed rebellion in the North and the military coup d’État
- Guatemala: authoritarianism and criminalization of social movements are characteristic of the current government
- Care-givers’ strike in Basque Country
- Meeting of the European Coordinating Body of the WMW
- Young feminists’ manifesto
- Solidarity with Tunisian women fighting for their rights

Please, find the newsletter attached or download it in the following links:
English; French; Spanish

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Last modified 2012-06-04 04:00 PM
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