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Women on the March: Strengthening Collective Action, Changing the World

Our 8th International Meeting is about to start! It will take place from the 20th - 25th of November in Quezon City, Philippines. As of early November, participants from more than 30 countries from the Africa, the Americas, Asia-Oceania, the Arab World/Middle East and Europe, had registered.

During our 8th International Meeting the regional and international evaluations of the 3rd WMW International Action (and of our activities from 2008 – 2011), will be presented. Participants will exchange ideas around the challenges, perspectives and strategies of our movement for the 2011 – 2015 period, and develop regional action plans, among other items on the agenda.

The meeting ends on the 25th November, the International day of struggle against violence against women, with a mass demonstration and a public forum focusing on the WMW area actions.

In preparation for debate on the current situation in the world, the International Committee (IC) prepared a text which targets the current economic, financial and environment crises and the capitalist model for social reproduction which are causing an increase in inequalities. The text reasserts that society replicates patterns of violence against women as a tool for maintaining continuous control of their bodies and their lives. Other social movements and organizations are invited to read the text, which is available online in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese at the link: The IC also had a strategic debate on the democratization of communication and the role of the mainstream media in spreading ideas, values and an ideology that legitimizes a particular role for women in the world. Click to read more about this debate (in English, Spanish and French:

Follow the WMW website to read news on the 8th International Meeting:

The office of the WMW International Secretariat, based in Sao Paulo, will be closed from 14th to 30th November. The IS team - Alessandra Ceregatti, Celia Alldridge and Miriam Nobre – will be in the Philippines for the International Committee meetings held before and after the international meeting. Activities at the office will resume again on the 1st December.

Last modified 2011-11-19 12:32 PM
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