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European Nyeleni Forum, on Food Sovereignty

The World March of Women takes part from 16 to 21 August of the European Nyéléni Forum on Food Sovereignty, which is organized by Via Campesina, Friends of the Earth
 among other organizations.

We take advantage of the occasion to share with you the latest number (n.5) of the Nyeleni Newsletter bringing further detailed information on the European event. Besides that, it brings news on:
- The Common Agricultural Policy: from food self-sufficiency to neo-liberal competition
- Voices and testimonies from Europe and Africa
- The global struggle against land-grabbing...and more!

Please, click in the links below to download the newsletter in:
English; French; Spanish
The Newsletter is published every two months on the website.

Next edition will be focused on Women and Food Sovereignty. Send your contributions by the 30th of August.

For any further information, please contact

Please circulate it to your contacts!

Last modified 2011-08-16 07:24 PM
This item is available in
Español, English, Français