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Iraq: Women Condemn Attack on Protesters

We have received information from our Moroccan sisters regarding the specific repression which women, and in particular young girls, underwent during the demonstrations that have taken place since the 20th February 2011. The police officers used sexual insults, threats of rape, and hair pulling to generate fear and shame and therefore deny women’s possibility for self expression. Now our Iraqi friends have told us similar stories.

The women remain active in mobilizations in the Arab world and count on the solidarity and support of women around the world.  The declaration below was written during a workshop about militarization and violence against women which took place in the United States from the 9th to the 11th June 2011 in which the World March of Women participated.

Please click to see who has signed the declaration, or to sign it yourself.

Women from Around the World Condemn Attack on Peaceful Protesters in Iraq and Call for an End to Sexual Assault of Women Protesters

We, feminist activists from 12 countries, stand in support of our sisters and brothers peacefully demonstrating for basic rights in Baghdad’s Tahrir Square.

This morning, June 10, demonstrators were brutally targeted with sexual violence and beatings by men who were reportedly bussed in by the thousands to disrupt the weekly protest. Protesters suffered broken bones, knife wounds and beatings. Several women were severely beaten and violently groped; armed attackers attempted to forcibly strip off the women’s clothing. The activists, who work with the Organization of Women’s Freedom in Iraq, report that their attackers were organized and paid by government security forces who used the un-uniformed men to avoid accountability for the violence.  

As feminists, we strongly condemn assaults against peaceful protesters and the specifically gender-based violence against women. As in so many of our countries, the use of sexual violence against Iraqi women is designed to terrorize, shame and silence those women who dare to exercise their fundamental rights as citizens and raise political demands in the public sphere.  We stand with our sisters who exercise their rights to political participation and dissent.

Today’s attacks represent a noted escalation of violence against protesters in Iraq as well as a crime and a fundamental violation of human rights. We call on the government to uphold its obligations to guarantee freedom of peaceful assembly and to respond to the demands of demonstrators.

Last modified 2011-06-17 02:51 PM
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