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Mobilise all over the world: Thousands of Cancuns for climate justice!

Social movements from around the world are mobilising for the 16th Conference of the Parties (COP 16) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) that will take place in Cancun from 29 November to 10 December 2010.

Thousands of women and men, people affected by the destruction of the environment, farmers, landless, Indigenous Peoples and activists from all sectors of society will gather in Cancun to propose thousands of solutions to confront climate change. They will show the world leaders their opposition to the false solutions to climate chaos discussed by the UNFCCC, such as market-based proposals on carbon trading and REDD, agrofuels and geo-engineering.

Meanwhile, echoing the Via Campesina call for thousands of Cancun, we call on social movements, popular organisations and all people of the world to amplify the resistance in Cancun and to organise thousands of protests and actions to reject false solutions and to support a people’s agenda for climate justice. We declare ourselves in permanent mobilisation during the UNFCCC conference and especially on December 7, the date of the mass farmers protest in Cancun and International Day of Action "Thousands of Cancuns".

Wherever you are: Join us!
Mobilisations can take many shapes: direct actions, parties, markets, festivals, discussions or exhibitions.... They can take place in any city, village, school or community.

Let us know what you are planning to do (when and where) by sending us a note before November 25.
And send us your posters, announcements, articles, pictures, videos...
They will be posted on the Thousands of Cancun web page.

Write to:

Share your videos by sending them to and freely use the other videos on line to create our alternative TV channel...

World March of Women
Friends of the Earth International
La Via Campesina

Last modified 2010-11-19 07:29 PM
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