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WMW Newsletter n. 05 - June

We are in the middle of our Third International Action. After the demonstrations carried out from 8th to 18th March, Mali and France national actions took place in May and June, respectively, in addition to regional activities in Asia and Europe. Our sisters of WMW in Greece mobilized against the cutting of social spending by the government under the International Monetary Fund intervention, which at the same time maintains high military expenditures. We were also present at demonstrations of solidarity with Honduran women and people, who have been resisting the civilian-military coup for a year. We finally gather to protest against the false solutions to the economic crisis proposed by the G-20 meeting in late June in Toronto (Canada). With each answer we give to the challenges posed by the current situation, we build a stronger feminist movement in permanent action!

Read in this number:

  1. Asia-Oceania: Regional Meeting defined common working plan and calendar of actions
  2. Solidarity between women from countries in conflict marks WMW’s European regional action
  3. Steps towards the constitution of the WMW in the United States of America
  4. Meanwhile, our alliances processes continue...

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Last modified 2010-07-14 05:15 PM
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