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Mobilisation in solidarity to Turkish activists; declaration about Guinea

Call to protest against repression to Turkish movements

The World March of Women in Europe is calling all its members as well as to other movements to organize demonstrations on next 18th November, at 6 pm, in front of consulates, embassies and other diplomatic representations of Turkey.

The actions aim to protest against the trial towards 31 trade unionists to be held in the city of Ismir, Turkey from the 19th – 20th November; four among them are WMW activists. All detaineds were arrested in the months of May and June, without formal accusation. Movements, trade unions, human rights organizations all over the world denounce the trial as a clamp down of trade union rights for civil servants (most of them teachers) and an effort to terrorise them.

During the actions, WMW will demand:
•    The immediate release of all those in prison, their acquittal in this trial and the dropping of all charges against them.
•    The end of the repression of opposition movements, including the women’s movement, trade unions and human rights associations.

Click to reed the full declaration and call and further information about the case.

WMW denounce the massacre of civilians in Guinea

Since May 2009, the violence and repression against Guinean civilians has become worse and worse. The 28th September the army attacked – with extreme brutality and cruelty – the participants of a peaceful demonstration in the principal stadium of Conakry (capital of Guinea) against the probable presidential candidature of the Chief of the Junta that has been in power for ten months. The Guinean Human Rights Defence Organisation (OGDH) has received reports of 157 people killed and 1200 wounded, including women rape victims (at least 30). Eye-witnesses tell of cuts and wounds, public and gang rapes, the forcing of wood, rifles and bayonets in women’s genital organs.

Click to read the full World March of Women declaration and demands in face of the brutal repression of civilians since the taking of power by the Junta in December 2008, and the extreme sexual and physical violence against women in the country.

Last modified 2009-11-12 05:18 PM
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