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<<< The VII International Meeting has started! The WMW at the United States Social Forum The WMW in the Klimaforum, Copenhaguen The World March At A Turning Point The World March is at a Turning Point The World March of Women at the WSF 2011: commitment with global mobilization and solidarity with women’s struggle all over the world The World March of Women began its 4th International Action The World March of Women condemns the attack on Iranian women on March 8, 2006 The World March of Women in Chihuahua The World March of Women in the World Social Forum 2006 The World March of Women manifests indignation at the coup d’etat attempt in Equador Thousands of Cancuns; Nyeleni newsletter Towards Rio+20: Women in the fight against the commodification of nature and life! Trial of activists arbitrarily detained in Turkey begins Tunisia, WSF 2013: Declaration of Social Movements Assembly Until Palestine is free! VII International Meeting: call to action and declaration We are all Honduras, We resist! Website Blocked! Website of the WMW Third International Action is already available! Week of Mobilization to Stop Corporate Crimes and Impunity WMW actions along March; People’s Summit on Climate Change WMW appeals to the Government of India: women should not be used as sex objects WMW Declaration at the World Social Forum 2016, Montréal WMW IC member is deported from South Korea WMW International Newsletter n. 01, March 2013 WMW International Newsletter n. 02, July 2013 WMW International Newsletter n. 04, December 2012 WMW International Newsletter n. 04/2013 - The Brazilian mandate of the IS in photos WMW International Newsletter, n.03/2011 >>>
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Liaison Newsletter - October 2009

Dear sisters,

At the International Meeting in Lima in July 2006 we posed ourselves the challenge to organise ourselves as a movement to be reckoned with. This means having the strength to influence the increasingly complex political, economic, and social context of our world and our countries, and also to change it. This is what we are striving for as we prepare for the 2010 International Action and allow ourselves to dream, plan, and build actions that may seem daring to others.

But we know that it is possible. We are translating our Action Areas into a daily agenda.  Our presence is felt as feminists in anti-globalization movement activities, in places as diverse as the Kurdish territory and Zimbabwe. In October, for example, we will join forces with demonstrations planned in defense of Mother Earth and against the commercialization of nature. In November, we will carry out debates and demonstrations to denounce violence against women, especially on the 25th November when we remember the assassination of the Mirabel sisters by the military dictatorship of the Dominican Republic. In December, we will be participating in the Klimaforum and demonstrations to denounce the false solutions to climate change, above all in Copenhagen.  

In addition, during this period, we will dedicate time and reflection to the process of evaluating the work of the World March of Women from 2007 to 2009. We are halfway through our term as the International Secretariat in Brazil, and are on the eve of our 3rd International Action. We must pause and reflect on what we have learnt in order to define our strategic plans for the period that lies ahead.  

Nurturing ourselves with poetry, we end with a verse written by our WMW sister in Chile, Mafalda Galdamez: “The time is not far off when the voices of protest will join together to form multitudes.”

Highlights of this edition:

- Plans for the 2010 International Action are already well on their way...
- Honduras Special: Resisting the coup and demanding a Constituent Assembly
- II WMW Americas Meeting: Gaining strength, Consolidation and Solidarity

Click to read or download the October 2009 WMW Liaison Newsletter.
Last modified 2009-10-26 02:51 PM
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