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The 1st African Meeting is almost here!

The first WMW African Meeting will gather around 50 women from 25 countries, in Bamako, Mali, from the 28th to 30th May. They will debate, exchange and organise their future actions, bearing in mind the political, social and economical African context. It will be a moment of preparing the 2010 international actions and strengthening the WMW in Africa, by constructing a regional working plan, planning the African role in the 2010 mobilisation and taking part in a public event organized by the WMW in Mali on the 30th.

The plenary sessions and working groups will concentrate around the WMW's four Action Areas: Common good and access to public services, Peace and demilitarisation, Women’s work and Violence against women.

The meeting is being supported financially by the OIF (Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie) and the organisers will also prepare a daily media coverage of the event in French. In this way, during all the event, a team of African women will publish information on the WMW and OIF websites, as well as on other websites, wiki or blogs interested in the issues to be discussed at the meeting.

Last modified 2009-05-14 05:23 PM
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