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News - September: International Meeting, France, Pakistan


Only one month to go before the VII World March of Women International Meeting! 

Definition of the Global Action 2010 is the principal objective of the WMW’s upcoming International Meeting, which will take place in Galicia in October. Under the slogan “Women on the March until we are All Free”, we are organising our seventh International Meeting in Galicia, northwest Spain, from the 14th to the 21st October of this year, on the 10th anniversary of the very first International Meeting of the movement – held in Montreal from the 16th to the 18th October 1998. Now, as 10 years ago, the principal objective of the Meeting will be the definition and organisation of our next Global Action: in 1998 the first World March of Women Global Actions of 2000 were planned in the presence of 145 women from 65 countries, while in 2008 we are expecting 150 participants from around 45 countries to contribute to the preparation of our Global Action of 2010…

Click here to read the full information.


France: Demonstrations during the visit of the pope XVI

The March and other diverse French feminist organisations are organising a large demonstration in reaction to the official meeting between pope Bento XVI and the French president, Nicolas Sarkozy, that will take place between 12th – 14th September. The mobilisation will take place on 12th September, at 6pm in Paris, in front of the Filles du Calvaire metro station, and will denounce the conservative attack against the separation Church-State and against rights won due to decades of feminist struggle. The French coordination of the World March of Women reaffirms its support of a secular state and its rejection of a fundamentalist and reactionary pope, particularly in relation to women’s rights.
Click here to see the call for participation in the demonstration and the WMW press release (both, only in French).

Pakistan: five women buried alieve

Call demands the punishment of a men accused of "honour killing" of five women - three teenagers and two adults - buried alive in Balochistan
province, in Pakistan. Allegedly killer is the brother of a politician in the region. To sign the appeal and read other information (in English only), visit:

Last modified 2008-09-10 07:35 PM
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