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News – March 2008


March 8th is an important day for us. On March 8th, 2000 we started our first international meeting of struggles. We began activities of debate, popular education, mobilizations, and the gathering of 5 million signatures which were submitted to the United Nations on October 17, 2000.

On March 8th, 2005 we started new more meetings of mobilization with the relay of the Women’s World Letter for Humanity and the Solidarity Quilt.

This year 2008 we began our actions earlier. On January 26 we were in the streets in solidarity with the women who cannot be there. This March 8th we will continue in mobilization to affirm a world based on the values of equality, freedom, solidarity, justice and peace. In front of mercantilism and the privatization of territories, nature, women’s bodies, relations among people, we affirm our resistance.

We are heirs of many fighters. The celebration of an International Women’s Day was proposed by Clara Zetkin at the II International Conference of Socialist Women in 1910. From then on, it was celebrated on different dates. The date of March 8th was internationally dedicated after 1922. It was a homage to the Russian women workers who on March 8th, 1917, carried out a huge demonstration, in spite of the czarist police, starting the Russian Revolution.

Women in movement change the World!

Newsletter – February 2008 – Special edition on free trade


Denouncing the impact of neoliberal and patriarchal globalisation on the lives of women, on their working conditions and on their financial autonomy is one of the political objectives of the World March of Women in its field of action Women’s Work. ‘Free’ trade agreements are not only one of the corner stones of neoliberalism, but are in themselves the rules of a system based on the sexual and international exploration of labour. Having in mind the the objective of “strengthen the WMW's participation in the struggle against free trade” we have chosen to dedicate the 1st edition of 2008 newsletter to this subject.

In the first section of the newsletter, we look at the concepts of free trade and integration, and analyse the impacts of the former and the feminist alternatives to the latter. While in the second section of the newsletter we highlight five anti-neoliberal globalization alternatives around the world in which the March has taken part / will take part in.

Read the latest issue, now published on this Website in our Newsletter Section!

Last modified 2008-03-05 09:13 PM
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