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Reception of the Charter in Brindisi

By Nadia Demond

On May 13th and 14th, the world Charter made a step in Italy. In the afternoon of May 13th, we held a seminar in the room of the regional council on the question of war and the role of women in the construction of peace. Saturday, in the morning, women of the region of Pouilles welcomed in the harbor of Brindisi a delegation of 30 women of the Greek WMW, arriving by boat from Patras, who brought the Charter and the patchwork quilt.

The second part of the seminar had for subject the degradation of the life conditions of women. Saturday, in the afternoon, a procession of 300 women passed through the streets of the city of Brindisi, drawing attention, notably, on the question of the referendum to abolish the law concerning the medically assisted reproduction, which punishes the women and puts under custody the rights of the person who was conceived that way.


At the end of the demonstration, the Charter was presented to the public and the passage of the quilt from Greece to Italy gave the signal to begin a Mediterranean regional cultural holiday.

Last modified 2005-05-25 09:13 AM
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