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Towards Rio+20: Women in the fight against the commodification of nature and life!

Women and men around the world are resisting the fact that nature is considered as a resource at the service of corporate profit, that is unlimited or just another product, and that becomes increasingly expensive as it becomes more and more scarce due to improper use.  We women, in particular, are very active in these struggles.  Our experience of being made invisible and with the devaluation of the work we do to care for others is very similar to the invisibility and devaluation of nature. The time and energy that women spend in providing care, cooking, giving affection and listening are not visible and are elastic. In most families, women are the first up in the morning and the last to go to bed at night. The time and energy required for nature to regenerate itself are hidden and treated as an obstacle to overcome in order for the consumerist machine to continue operating at full throttle. Women continue to be pressured to adapt to conflicting attitudes and times – that of life and that of profit – and then to deal with the tensions that arise. Our work is instrumentalized to ease and to conceal the injustices brought about by multilateral institutions, governments and corporations. (…)

Click to read the document with information on the participation of the WMW at the process of “People’s Summit for Social and Environmental Justice: against the commodification of life and in defence of the commons", to be held from 15 to 23 June 2012, parallel to the UN Conference Rio+20, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The report includes:

-    Information on how the people’s summit will be organized
-    The WMW in the debates on Rio +20
-    Actions already planned by the WMW
-    June 5th: international day of action
-    Rio +20: an overview of the official process

Last modified 2012-05-24 02:42 PM
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