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G-8 in France, mobilisations on the 17th May, violence in Mexico and Greece

G8 dégage! (“G8, get lost!”)
The WMW was present for the demonstration and alternative people’s forum held, respectively, on May 21st and 22nd in Le Havre, France, to denounce the illegitimacy of the policies implemented by G8 Heads of State – representing the richest countries in the world – in response to the global crisis.

The demonstration brought some 7,000 people together for the inaugural event of a full program of actions in France, beginning with the G8 meeting and running through the G20 meeting next November. Click here to learn more about the people’s approach: Watch videos of the demonstration and rally at:
CNN - (English) and (French).

These activities were followed by the meeting of the International Council of the World Social Forum (WSF-IC) in Paris, from May 25th to 27th. During this meeting, it was decided that the next global WSF event, scheduled for 2013, would take place in North Africa (country to be determined).

Along with representatives from other social movements, we took advantage of this occasion to discuss preparations for the day of global action on October 12th.

May 17th demonstrations: Stop lesbophobia!
WMW activists in various countries demonstrated on May 17th, the International Day Against Homophobia, Lesbophobia and Transphobia, denouncing the close connection between discrimination based on gender and on sexual orientation, and how these are expressions of hetero-patriarchal domination. Click here to read the full text of the WMW declaration in Portugal. Also read the ¡Basta de lesbofobia! (“Stop lesbophobia!”) manifesto prepared by a WMW group in Mexico, a country that boasts the second highest number of homophobia-related hate crimes in Latin America, after Brazil. Steps to change this situation have been taken in Brazil, with the May 5th approval of civil unions between same-sex couples.

Mexico: Detainee suspected of attacking a humanitarian caravan
On May 12th, Rufino Juárez, leader of the Union for Social Welfare in the Triqui Region (UBISORT), was arrested on suspicion of involvement in the attack on the humanitarian caravan heading toward San Juan Copala, Oaxaca, in 2010, which resulted in the deaths of feminist Bety Cariño and Finnish activist Jyri Jakkola. The WMW in Mexico stressed that this is a first step toward re-establishing peace and dignity in the region. “This arrest was not achieved through the will of the government of Oaxaca, nor was it their victory. It was also the result of national and international pressure, which demanded justice for our sister Bety Cariño and international activist Jyri Jakkola. We call for a continuation of this pressure and for constant vigilance with regard to this process, because we are all too familiar with the deception employed by the system to perpetuate impunity.” Click here to read the WMW’s public declaration on the arrest.
The 60th broadcast of the program “Voz de los Movimientos” (“Voice of Movements”, in Spanish), includes an audio interview of Norma Cacho, of WMW Mexico, on recent actions in the country to demand justice and an end to impunity, and on the need to remember the many women killed during the war on drugs, which has led to more than 40,000 casualties and which is used as an excuse for the persecution of social activists, both female and male.

Greece: justice against violence
Feminist activists from Sweden and the WMW Greece demand justice for a female tourist raped in Greece in 2008 and protest against the Greek authorities’ treatment of this case.
Besides the fact that the perpetrator has not been punished, the Greek Court is accusing the victim of false testimony and defamation, repeating the traditional patriarchal trick of transforming the victim into the culprit. Please click here for more information.  

Last modified 2011-06-09 09:22 AM
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