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Strasbourg: the WMW in the anti-NATO protests

Under a strong police repression, thousands of activists were in Strasbourg, France, between the 3rd and 5th of April, in order to protest against NATO – North Atlantic Treaty Organization – and to demand peace and disarmament. The activities were part of the global week of mobilization against capitalism and war.
The World March of Women was present in the demonstration, violently repressed with tear gas and flash-ball, on the 4th; and was also present in workshops that took place during the international conference parallel to the meeting of the heads of States of NATO. French, English and Macedonian activists of the WMW took part of the workshop "No to NATO, No to War - NATO=Security? Gender Issues", organized by Women in Black and the WILPF (Women's International League for Peace and Freedom) where they spoke about the organization of the 2010 international action and about our perspective on peace and demilitarization.

Read the complete report about Strasbourg elaborated by the European sisters.

Last modified 2009-04-14 05:32 PM
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