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World Social Forum 2009 - Activities Online


The World March of Women’s schedule of activities for World Social Forum 2009 is now online. The Forum will be from January 27 to February 1. Women from Brazil, Nepal, Turkey, South Africa, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Portugal, Cap Verde, Mozambique, Venezuela, Cuba and Argentina will be presenting activities. See schedule of activities...

Palestine Solidarity Message

Dear friends and activists of the WMW,

Thank you for all the news of activities and messages of solidarity that you have sent to the Union of Palestinian Women’s Committees (our contact in Palestine) and to us at the IS. They are very much appreciated by the members of the Union, as is shown by the email we received from Khitam, the acting Chair Person, on 15th January (Thursday of last week):

“… let me tell you how much we appreciate your efforts and solidarity, in these days we live very hard time, every minute could bring a new crime perpetrated by the occupation troops in Gaza, these crimes are continuous.

To be honest with you, my words can’t help me to talk about the situation.

I believe that every decent human being is protesting the occupation crimes in Gaza.

We have to keep on our activities in Palestine and in the whole world until these crises end.

Please give our thanks to all the people and organisations who are in solidarity with us.”

We have also received a moving letter from Yvonne, a Jewish Israeli woman and activist of the movement ‘Women in Black’ (an ally of the WMW), that we would like to share with you (attached). In it she expresses her rage and helplessness as she witnesses the killings and suffering of the Palestinian people, and the determination of many Israelis – both woman and men – to struggle for an end to the crimes against humanity perpetrated by the Israeli government in Gaza.

In hope for a lasting cease-fire and respect for the right of the Palestinian people to a free, viable and independent State…

International Secretariat, 19th January 2009


PS. Please continue to send you messages to:
Last modified 2009-01-24 01:05 PM
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