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Newsletter - December 2008


Dear friends,

We have reached the end of the year certain that our future challenges will call for much commitment and collective hard work, but happy in the knowledge that we have made progress in the achievement of our objectives. Throughout 2008 we discussed ideas for our 2010 International Action and, during our VII International Meeting in October in Galicia, we defined its general format and the principal ideas with regards to its political content.

From now on, with renewed energy, we are faced with the task of constructing the 2010 Action ‘for real’ at national, regional and international levels. In this process, we will once again show that we are women organised in a collective way, in associations, groups and movements, and that although we are women of diverse ages, experiences, political cultures and ethnic backgrounds, we have a common identity: the desire to overcome the current unjust world order – founded on patriarchy, racism and capitalism – that provokes violence and poverty. An order that is in crisis – expressed in the recent food, environmental, energy, ethical and financial crises – but with the possibility of quickly recomposing itself.

That’s why we continue to organise our resistance and construction of alternatives in all spaces, whether they be national struggles, regional and international processes, or in alliance with other movements. That’s why we raise our voices in affirmation: “change the lives of women to change the world to change the lives of women…” That’s why we will be on the march until we are all free!

Enjoy your end-of-year celebrations and Happy 2009!

Highlights of this number:

*Special Edition: VII International Meeting
- Decisions on the 2010 International Action
- Photo gallery (only available in the PDF version)
- Democratic Republic of Congo: today’s context

*World Social Forum 2009, in Belem do Pará, Brazil
WMW debates feminism, food sovereignty, and women’s work in the Amazon region, among other issues

Click here to read or download the December 2008 WMW Newsletter.

Last modified 2008-12-23 08:25 PM
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