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June 2008



This is an update on the exciting developments of the landmark Subic Rape  case reported here in December 2006. Barely a week after a news article came out in the regarding TFSR' s intent to go to the UN if rapist Smith is acquitted, another justice resigned out of a sense of what we in the TFSR think is delicadeza. Or perhaps they had become suddenly conscience-stricken. Or wanting to avoid another controversy if they decide to indeed acquit Smith & TFSR decides to bring the case to the UN. Whatever reason the honorable justices have for resigning and/or inhibiting from the case, one thing is certain: the justices are having difficulty reversing the CONVICTION (of Smith) decision of the brave Judge Pozon of the Makati Regional trial Court. In the meanwhile, the TFSR will endeavor to make its presence felt to keep the case alive even as we are constrained greatly by lack of material resources. Read more here: (in English)


Saturday(06/14/2008), thousands of people were at a manifestation in Paris against the European directive on the detention and deportation of foreigners. A small number in face of the importance of this shameful directive, but the French have been called to action many times this last month. The WMW- France, signatory of the appeal, was present. Read more here (in english)

Where there is struggle, there is hope – Solidarity of world’s women with people struggling at Sid Ifni Ait – Morocco

Since Saturday, June 7 early in the morning, a great repression has fallen on the citizens of the town of Sidi Ifni Aït Baamran, in the South of Morocco and against its youth that, fed by false promises of employment and economic advancement of the region, have been blocking the port for the last week. The police and rapid intervention forces have been displaced by thousands, from several regions of Morocco, to this town. Police forces have surrounded the city, carried out raids on homes, arrested and taken hostage the families of activists, beating them and even threatening rape. There has been hundreds of arrests, there are dozens of wounded, and media sources and residents of the city speak of deaths. We have been informed that at least one rape occurred, but it seems that it isn’t only one. We do not accept that women’s body be, once more, used as a botin of war.
Manifestations of solidarity are being organized in other cities of Morocco.
We have to demonstrate all around that we are watchful.
We ask to the National Coordinating Bodies and Participant Groups of the World March of Women to send e-mails to the Moroccan Embassy of your country with this message:
We women from the entire world are in solidarity with the people of Sid Ifni Ait at Morocco. We demand the retreat of the blockade and the end of repression.

On June 12, a general strike was observed in the whole town, a great number of women manifested defying the repression, all dressed in black.

Last modified 2008-06-26 08:26 PM
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