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January 2008 News






On the 26th January 2008 thousands of women, men and children will occupy the streets to denounce injustices and affirm the economic, political and cultural alternatives that they are creating. Once again, the World Social Forum is asserting that neoliberalism is not the only means to manage the world, and furthermore, has shown itself to be the most tragic.


We, from the World March of Women, are united to assert that a world based on the values of equality, freedom, solidarity, justice and peace is possible. We affirm our resistance to the commodification and privatization of our territories, the environment, women’s bodies, and relationships between peoples.


We will be on the streets on the 26th January in solidarity with women who are prevented from doing so. We are drawing attention to the human rights violations in Burma, Haiti, Iran, Mexico, Democratic Republic of Congo and Kenya, countries in which the current situation is brutal, affects a huge number of people, and is institutionalized by the State or in a context of total absence of the State. Our indignation is here with us in the streets.


Further information

-          Newsletter – November 2007 (check article number 6)

-          Social Movements Call for Action

-          World March of Women blog: 26th January

-          Website of the Global Day of Mobilisation and Action – World Social Forum 2008 process 





The Meeting of Zapatist Women was held from 28th to 31st December 2007, in Chiapas, México, in the Caracol La Garrucha. zapatista communities are organised in autonomous municipalities that in turn are grouped into five caracoles (meaning the large snail-shells which, when blown, make a sound that is traditionally used by the indigenous as a summons for the community to face its problems and resolve them collectively).


Read the full text of the declaration in which activists of the World March of Women and Via Campesina express their solidarity for the Zapatista struggle and denounce the intensification of the aggressions towards that movement.


Last modified 2008-01-21 08:12 AM
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