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Haïtian Women transmit the Charter to Cubans

In Haiti, the CONAP, the National Coordinating Body Lobbying for Women’s Rights, received the Charter in a public ceremony on Thursday, April 7. The next day, a Colombian delegate accompanied the Haitian representatives to deliver the Women's Global Charter for Humanity to the country’s officials, represented by the Ministers of the Status of Women, Health, Culture and Justice.

The CONAP took the occasion to reaffirm its commitment to the fight for Haitian women’s right to live without violence, with dignity and in an independent, sovereign country. It also encouraged interested women’s groups to participate in popular education and consultation activities as part of the process to build another kind of humanity, as advocated in the Charter. The World Relay then continued on its way to Cuba.

Haitian Quilt


Another Haïti is possible!

Another world is possible!

Another Humanity is possible!

Last modified 2005-05-13 04:07 PM
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