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The World March of Women began its 4th International Action


On March 8 the World March of Women began its 4th International Action.  Under the slogan "WOMEN ON THE MARCH UNTIL WE ARE ALL FREE" Women of the 96 countries where the movement is present, will be organized to continue denouncing the causes that oppress and discriminate against women around the world.  At the same time, in the five regions, through feminist political formation processes will be undertaken to identify threats faced by women in the region, and to build collectively a much needed just world with alternatives.

During the seven months of the International Action, the various National Coordination Bodies (NCB’s) will conduct demonstrations, marches, debates and all kinds of actions around the four fields of action to articulate the   demands of the movement: *Common good and public services, *Violence against women, *Peace & Demilitarization and *Economic empowerment of women.   Around the March 8, in celebration   of the beginning of the action, activists from all over the world take to the streets, raise their voices, their flags and play their batucadas.

Europe starts the International Action   supporting the Kurdish women suffering violence and militarism that exists in the area twice, first by the Turkish government, which does not recognize their right to self-determination or autonomy of their territory. On the other hand, by the Religious Fundamentalism the so-called Islamic State, which terrorizes the population of the área, systematically against women, stripping them of all their rights.  Hundreds of women, from different parts of Europe, and elsewhere, have gathered in the Turkish city of Nusaybin,   near the Syrian border, to show their support for women fighters who resist violence every day that are not exposed.  This is the beginning of a feminist caravan that will travel the European continent, from Turkey to Portugal, for seven months. During this time, numerous activities, marches, meetings with women's groups, etc. will take place.

Other regional activities are underway. 

  • The Arab world is preparing for a regional meeting to strengthen their coordination and networking. 

  • The Americas is preparing sub-regional marches in different areas as well as a meeting of the region. 

  • Africa will hold various camps of young feminists and prepares its closing ceremony of Action in Kenya (elsewhere hit by the advance of religious fundamentalism, militarization and human rights violations of women ...).

How the 4th International Action of the WMW will be organized

The action will take place over a period beginning with the International Women's Day (8 March) and   will end with the International Day for the Elimination of Poverty (October 17). Thus, we symbolize our fight against the feminization of poverty.

Action has numerous activities and actions to be developed in countries and territories in which the March is present that can be followed through our website of the International Action: , and facebook: wmw-mmm-mmf 2015.

On April 24, we commemorate   the slaughter of RANA SQUARE where hundreds of women died, victims of the greed of the capitalist system, which exposed them to inhumane working conditions for large multinational companies in the textile sector. Militants of the March, from Asia to America, made ​​efforts to remind the world that Rana Plaza is everywhere, and women from every continent suffered the terrible consequences of capitalism.

The Lost History Day March 8

At this early stage of the 4th International Action, WMW activists also want to remember the history of International Women's Day, now commemorated on the 08 March and whose sense of struggle for emancipation has been lost around the date. On numerous occasions, when speaking of the history of this day it is related to a strike and / or fire that allegedly happened in a textile factory of working women in New York, in 1857 or 1908.

But when the origins of the celebration is investigated in depth, the story of a whole period of feminist struggle for economic and labor rights is discovered, as well as the right to vote in the US and elsewhere.  It was in 1910, in Copenhagen, Denmark, during the Second Socialist International Women's Conference, where Clara Zetkin a socialist and feminist - proposed the creation of a Women’s Day to be celebrated annually, internationally, following the example of American socialist women from 1908, to demand economic and political equality for women, to denounce exploitation of women workers, to demand the right to vote, etc.

For more on this story, click actions / 2010action / origen8marzo / s

For interviews and further information

. 1       Contact:

2.   Visit the website of the 4th International Action and MMM

Last modified 2015-03-08 01:16 PM
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