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La paz, un tema importante durante el relevo

En 2005, durante el relevo de la Carta Mundial de las Mujeres para la Humanidad, las mujeres insistieron sobre la necesidad de vivir en paz. El 17 de octubre, al concluir la marcha se procedió al bautismo de una Plaza de las Mujeres por la Paz en el centro de la ciudad de Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. Las mujeres de la Marcha leyeron una Declaración de Paz.
Llamamiento a la Paz
Fichier Mp3 (appel lu en anglais, français et espagnol par des membres du Comité international de la Marche mondiale des femmes).
Mujeres de Negro reciben la Carta Mundial de las Mujeres para la Humanidad
At the end of the Relay, the March designated certain women, women’s groups or social movements as keepers of the Charter. For the value of “peace,” the March gave the Charter to the Women in Black network. Founded by Jewish and Palestinian women opposed to the Israeli occupation of Palestine and the militarization of the region, this movement now exists throughout the world. It is made up of women fighting against conflicts in the world and against the violence women are subjected to during those conflicts. In this audio File, a woman thanks the WMW for being keeper of the Charter (in MP3 and in French only)
La paz, un valor medular del relevo
Women’s Appeal for Peace, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, October 17, 2005
Text of the Appeal.
Last modified 2006-02-20 12:30 PM
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