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March 20, 2004 - Mobilization

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A year of war, an army of protesters

Gathered in India in January 2004, the World March of Women’s International Committee participated in a wide range of activities of the World Social Forum and gave their support to the “Call of the Social Movements Assembly,” in particular the idea of organizing global resistance to war on March 20 of this year.

Here is a short excerpt: "We call on all citizens of the world to mobilize simultaneously on 20th March in an international day of protest against war and the occupation of Iraq imposed by the United States, Great Britain and the Allied Forces... We demand the immediate withdrawal of all occupying troops and support the right of the Iraqi to self-determination and sovereignty, as well as their right to reparation for all the damages caused by the embargo and war."

We encourage you all to mobilize in your respective countries for the March 20 action! Make sure women’s voices are heard, and above all, demonstrate your opposition to the military occupation of Iraq and the militarization of our planet, in particular, in the 80 countries whose ongoing wars are never reported

Julie Bégin, International Secretariat

Copyrights : CC by-nc-sa 2.0
Last modified 2006-04-21 01:39 PM
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