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Women’s Appeal for Peace in the World

Launched at the end of the Relay of the Women's Global Charter for Humanity, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, October 17, 2005.
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We, women of the World March of Women, present in Burkina Faso launch a Women’s Appeal for Peace in the World.

We note with bitterness that women and children are particularly affected by wars and armed conflicts.Sexual violence is used as a weapon of war. Conflicts bring killings, kidnappings, sex trafficking, massive forced displacements of civilians and the spread of HIV/AIDS.

War brings deepening poverty and is the result of an unjust system of distribution, control and access to the world’s resources and wealth.

The uncontrolled manufacture, sale and distribution of arms contribute to persistent insecurity and destabilization of the whole world.

The deep-rooted cause of violence against women is the patriarchal system in which women are marginalized and their needs and rights are denied, simply because they are women.

We denounce all forms of violence, sexual, physical or psychological, that women are subjected to in conflicts, in occupations, in militarised zones and in their daily lives.

We denounce patriarchy, fundamentalism and racism, which create militarised societies and the feminization of poverty.

We call governments and belligerent forces to stop all wars and forms of military intervention, to respect commitments undertaken in signing peace accords, to enact ceasefires and to apply non-aggression pacts.

We women and their organizations be recognized as actors and negotiators for peace and we encourage them to participate in all peaceful conflict prevention, management and resolution processes, as well as in the reconstruction of their respective countries.

We call on humanitarian aid agencies to protect the civilian population, denounce acts of sexual violence against women and young girls and ensure that rape victims are provided with appropriate assistance.

We appeal to the civilian population in countries torn by conflict to denounce all human rights violations, particularly violence against women and children, and the persistence of the state of war.

We express our solidarity with women suffering in situations of conflict and war throughout the world.

We consider that women’s participation in the struggle for creating a culture of peace is crucial.

Copyrights : CC by-nc-sa 2.0
Last modified 2006-03-06 10:04 AM
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