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World March of Women
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World March of Women at the World Peace Forum

from June 23 to June 28, 2006 in Vancouver, Canada.
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The World March of Women (WMW) participated in the World Peace Forum from June 23 to June 28, 2006 in Vancouver, Canada. Women joined together from all areas of the world to discuss issues such as the impacts of war and armed conflict on women, to share stories and strategies of how to resist militarization of our communities and how women everywhere in all corners of the world are primary actors in resolving conflicts and in building peace.

The World March of Women participated in the panel discussion, “Women of the world working together one voice for peace and justice.” The March shared stories of our successes in organising women globally from the historic world march in 2000 to the designing of the Women’s Global Charter for Humanity and our international, regional and local actions of 2005. The WMW has worked on peace from its inception, analysing war from a feminist perspective. We have denounced wars and occupations and campaigned against sexual violence of women that takes place during armed conflicts and wars. Through our cultural and political diversity the participating groups in the WMW have spoken out as an international women’s movement on injustice and have demanded that women be primary actors in the prevention and resolution of conflicts.

The WMW was warmly received at the World Peace Forum. There is a wealth of experience of women around the world working for peace and making peace a reality in their communities.

Luisa Durante

Copyrights : CC by-nc-sa 2.0
Last modified 2006-08-15 09:20 AM
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