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Nyéléni Newsletter n.06: Women and Food Sovereignty

In the month when we celebrated the International Day of Rural Women (on October 15th) and the World Food Sovereignty Day (on October 16th), we share with you the most recent number (n.6) of the Nyéléni Newsletter.

This issue brings an in-depth look at the connection between Women and Food Sovereignty:
- Women's access to land and agrarian reforms
- Voices and testimonies from America and Africa

It brings also news on the mobilisation for the COP 17 in Durban...and more!

We invite you to read the publication available in English, French or Spanish, and to spread it among your contacts.

The Newsletter is published every two months on the website. Next edition on Fisheries and Climate Change. Send your contributions by the 30th of October. For any further information, please contact

Last modified 2011-10-27 07:10 PM
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English, Español, Français