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International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

Worldwide, the 25th November marks women’s mobilization around the struggle against violence. For WMW, Violence against women is structural – it is an inherent feature of the patriarchal and capitalist systems – and is used as a tool of control of the lives, bodies and sexuality of women by individual men, groups of men, patriarchal institutions and States. It is the highest expression of inequalities among men and women: it is transversal, it cuts across all social classes, cultures, religions, and geopolitical situations.

We recognise that punitive measures against perpetrators of violence are necessary, but not sufficient, to eradicate violence. We have to hold our States accountable, to demand public policies for violence survivors. But we know that actions are needed to prevent and inhibit acts of violence before they occur.

We, women of the World March of Women, want to engage in broad political debates and actions that promote changes in our patriarchal cultures and anticipate the occurrence of violence, in this way being truly preventative. The extent and intensity of male violence against women is already well documented, therefore it is not necessary to wait for yet another denouncement. More vital is to get this issue on the agenda of women’s groups, mixed organisations, community radio programmes, newspapers, and other means of communication used by movements. In order for this to occur, we believe that the feminist movement should work towards the promotion of strong, wide-ranging self-organisation of women struggling for autonomy (economic, sexual, reproductive, personal, etc) and self-determination.

We value, as an important step in this struggle, the fact that mixed social movements – be they urban or rural – are committed to confronting male violence against women. To this end, we declare our solidarity with Via Campesina’s ‘World Campaign to end Violence against Women. We acknowledge the importance of both women and men holding men accountable for violence against women.

Click here to read more on the WMW vision on violence against women.

Actions in the countries
In Brazil, WMW takes the streets in different regions to denounce the various manifestations of violence, including those related to the commodification of women’s body and the imposition of aesthetics and beauty standards that lead to the disqualification of women who are outside of those rules. The WMW will also demand that public policies to assure equality be enforced by the executive, legislative and judicial power. Read more about violence against women in Brazil (in Portuguese).

In Mexico, the WMW denounces the State violence and launches in this 25th November the campaign "Justice for Betty Cariño and Jyri Jaakola”, a recompilation of signatures to demand the punishment of the murderers of the human rights defenders involved in the international solidarity caravan to Oaxaca in April this year. Click to learn more (in Spanish only).

In Mozambique, the WMW holds its national action this 27th November.

Listen or download as well the special Edition of the program Voz de los Movimientos (n. 55), dedicated to the 25th November (in Spanish).

Send your news, pictures and other audiovisuals on WMW actions held in your country around this date to the email:

Last modified 2010-11-25 03:02 PM
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