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Women against militarization; Americas Social Forum Social Movements Assembly

International Women’s and People’s Summit of the Americas against Militarization
A vigil for life, held on the 23rd August, in front of Palanquero military basis, in Puerto Salgar, Colombia, has closed the Summit, which was integrated to our Third International Action as the regional moment in Americas. Around 3,000 activists from Colombia and 200 international delegates coming from 19 countries took part of the summit which started on 16th August with 12 humanitarian missions all over the country, besides a forum of debates in Barrancabermeja and the vigil itself.

Click to read the document “Women’s and People's of the Americas Call and Mandate” which synthesizes agreements and commitments debated at the summit (only in Spanish for now).

The next WMW newsletter will bring more details about the missions and the summit.

For complete information on the meeting, please visit the website:

IV Americas Social Forum: Social Movements Assembly Declaration
The Social Movements Assembly was held on 15th August, in Asuncion, Paraguay, in the framework of the IV edition of the Americas Social Forum (carried out from 11th to 15th August). After the Assembly, an act of solitarity towards the Paraguayan process had the participation of presidents Fernando Lugo, from Paraguay, Pepe Mujica, from Uruguay, and Evo Morales, from Bolivia.

During the Assembly, social movements from all over the continent reaffirmed their solidarity and commitment with Paraguayan people, in face of their need to advance their process of deep changes. The Assembly also denounced the right wing offensive in the continent by means of increasing militarization, free trade agreements and the control of the mass medias used to contain people’s advances, impose a model of development based in people’s and nature exploitation and impose false solutions to the global warming. During the Assembly it was also reinforced Americas’ movements commitment with Palestinian struggle.

Against that, the Movement reaffirmed its commitment to "strengthen the fight for people’s sovereignty, food sovereignty, energy sovereignty and women’s sovereignty over their bodies and their lives and the recognition of sexual diversity. We build alternatives that are based on what was achieved from the resistance and the interplay of diverse anti-capitalist, anti-patriarchal, anti-colonial and anti-racist perspectives, while we continue in search of a new paradigm centered on equality, well being, sovereignty and integration based on the principle of solidarity among peoples."

Click to read the complete text of the Social Movements Declaration (only in Spanish for now).

Coverage of the IV ASF can be read on the websites:

Last modified 2010-08-29 01:14 AM
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