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The next international Secretariat will be in Brazil

The next international Secretariat will be in Brazil

Brazil will be the next country to host the International Secretariat of the World March of Women. On the picture, Miriam Nobre, of the March in Brazil, listen to the ovation of the assembly.

About Work and Food Sovereignty

Photo: Wilhelmina Trout, Nalu Faria, Diane Matte.

Wilhelmina Trout, of South Africa and Nalu Faria, member of the Network REMTE (Women transforming the Economy) talked about Women and work, while, later on, Miriam Nobre and Jing Ynares, of the Philippines, introduced the theme of Food Sovereignty. Mafalda, of Via Campesina, described the struggles her network is making to give more space to women on debate on agriculture, biodiversity and food sovereignty.

In 2007, the World March will co-organize the Food Sovereignty Forum in Bamako, Mali, with Via Campesina.

Photo: Mafalda, of Via Campesina

Photo: Participants

Photo: Interpreters

All the photographies were taken by Joanne McDermott.


Last modified 2006-07-05 09:50 PM
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