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European campaign is arriving!

The day for the start of the European campaign is arriving: simultaneous press conferences will launch it on 4th October, followed by actions on the 17th against banks and the finantial system. The slogan for the campaign was also finalized: “Governments owe a debt toward women, not toward banks. Marching together for decent, sustainable lives.”

Another key date for the campaign will be on December 10, when we from the WMW will hold our 24 hours of feminist action around the world. On that day, our European sisters intend to focus on health as their main issue.

Among the various actions already carried out for the campaign is a video with testimonials by women, and the Portuguese NCB’s initiative to organize a feminist, anti-austerity protest. The campaign is being built in alliance with other social movements and organizations such as CADTM.

Click to read the text for the European Campaign in: English, French, Spanish.

On the march until we're all free!
Last modified 2012-09-28 09:39 PM
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