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<<< WMW IC member is deported from South Korea WMW International Newsletter n. 01, March 2013 WMW International Newsletter n. 02, July 2013 WMW International Newsletter n. 04, December 2012 WMW International Newsletter n. 04/2013 - The Brazilian mandate of the IS in photos WMW International Newsletter, n.03/2011 WMW International Newsletter, n.04/2011 WMW Newsletter n. 01/2014 WMW Newsletter n. 02/2012 WMW Newsletter n. 02/2014 WMW Newsletter n. 03 - 9th International Meeting decisions WMW Newsletter n. 03/2014 WMW Newsletter n. 05 - June WMW Newsletter n.01/2011, Solidarity with Arab people on 20th March WMW Newsletter n.01/2012 WMW Newsletter n.02/2011 WMW Newsletter n.03, August 2012 WMW Newsletter n.05 - December 2011 - Special issue on the Philippines International Meeting WMW Newsletter n.06 - August WMW newsletter; post-NATO actions WMW participates in anti-NATO actions in Portugal Women against militarization; Americas Social Forum Social Movements Assembly Women begin the series of mobilizations during the People's Summit in Rio +20 Women in 37 countries participate in 24 Hours of Feminist Action around the World! Women in resistance, building alternatives for a better world. Declaration of the10th International Meeting in Maputo, Mozambique Women in water management and struggling against its privatization Women on the March until we are All Free! Women on the March: Strengthening Collective Action, Changing the World Women struggling for Climate Justice Women's Declaration on Food Sovereignty >>>
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WMW Newsletter n.02/2011

Our international Newsletter n. 2 (vol 13), June 2011, is already available! You can download the PDF version (with pictures) in:  EnglishFrenchSpanishPortuguese. Or click to read the html version.
Highlights of this issue:
- Preparation for the WMW 8th International Meeting in Philippines
- Western Sahara: People’s self-determination. Women’s self-determination.
- DRC follow-up: international solidarity in action
- Colombia: Training Schools and a Women’s Court as follow-up on the Summit’s agreements
- Pakistan: Marchers demand social protection for informal sector women workers
- October 12th: Movements in preparation for a day of global struggle
And much more:
- May 17th demonstrations: Stop lesbophobia!
- Quebec: Feminist movement begins strategic discussions
- Mexico: Detainee suspected of attacking a humanitarian caravan
- Young Feminists Camp is approaching!
- G8 dégage! (“G8, get lost!”)
- Domestic workers victory at the ILO

Last modified 2011-06-17 02:24 PM
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