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IV Enlazando Alternativas/Linking Alternatives, 14th-18th May, Madrid, Spain

Under the slogan "Against the Europe of capital, of war and its crisis, for solidarity among peoples", the IV Summit of the Peoples Linking Alternatives takes place between May 14th and 18th in Madrid, Spain, side event to the meeting of Presidents and Heads of State of the European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean, bringing together social movements from all three regions.

The WMW will be at the event also on two activities, all in the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM):

- Food sovereignty and the sovereignty of our bodies and our lives. Feminism and food sovereignty: what is the relationship? (Soberanía alimentaria y soberanía de nuestros cuerpos y nuestras vidas. Feminismo y soberanía alimentaria ¿qué relación?): May 16, 10h-12h, room B13
- It’s time for food sovereignty! Strategies to advance (Es hora de soberanía alimentaria! Estrategias para el avance): May 15, 16-20h, room B15.

We’ll also participate in the Peoples' Permanent Tribunal (May 14th and 15th) and the Social Movements Assembly (May 16th, 18h-20h), rigth after the demonstration. There are three large demonstrations that stand out in the program:
-    March against the Europe of capital, from Lisbon to Madrid, that is scheduled to arrive on May 13th.
-    March against the unemployment, arriving May 16th at 12pm in Atocha.
-    Big demonstration on May 16th, meeting point in the Pza. de Cibeles at 1pm. The demonstration ends in Puerta del Sol, with the manifest’s reading and a music concert.

The complete program for the IV Linking Alternatives is available in the link:

Last modified 2010-05-13 12:36 PM
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