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World Relay - France

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European rally. Took place on May 28–29, in Marseille, in the south of France. During these two days, 12 000 women held debates and workshops on the different themes of the Charter and on the 17 demands. The French coordinating body also held information sessions in schools and address civil society, the media, and elected officials.
See report and pictures in our News section.
Have a look at the program on the Website created for this event.

Nouveau site Web du Collectif 13
Nous avons ouvert un site Web pour les deux journées à Marseille 28 et 29 mai pour la MMF.
Entrevue avec Judith sur les actions en France
"Femmes et sida", Intervention de Marjolaine Degremont
Program for May 28th and 29th, 2005
Photos du relais en France / Photos of the Relay in France / Fotos del Relevo en Francia
Last modified 2005-06-07 09:44 AM
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