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24 Hours of Feminist Solidarity - France

In Marseille, the Collectif 13 DDF will assemble in the Old Port with all the organizations that attended the European meeting in May. They assure us that the noise they will make will reach all of us! Women will make speeches, sing, bang on pots and pans, a brass band will play and there will be street theatre.  In Paris and on the Ile de France, the action will be part of demonstrations on the occasion of Refusal of Poverty Day, organized at the initiative of several associations, including ATD Quart Monde. Activities will be staged outside City Hall during the day and at the Trocadéro at night. The March plans to make an intervention from the podium on “poverty of women in the world” and to be present under the marquees. It will distribute the Women’s Global Charter for Humanity and will invite people to write feminist words on the March banner.  Between 12:00 noon and 1:00 p.m., the women from the March will ask everyone present to make a gesture of solidarity with women the world over and remember the arrival of the March in Burkina Faso. They will release balloons that will have Charter demands written on them. At night, they will have a stand at the Trocadéro.  The City of Bobigny is organising with the Association Femmes Solidaires a rally at City Hall on October 17th at noon.

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Programme France 17-10-05
Les 24 Heures à Paris
Forum Femmes Méditerranée
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Journée de solidarité a Marseille
Last modified 2005-10-06 03:54 PM
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