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World Relay - Belgium

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Women held relay marches from March 4–14, travelling by barge, bicycle and on foot and stop in shelters for battered women, police stations, social assistance offices, and refugee centres. Women took turns reading sections of the Charter. there was the public launching of the Charter on March 8th where 200 persons gathered up. Women will use the Charter to draft demands to present to local authorities. We still are planning a big event on October 16th where we count on the participation of 5 000 to 10 000 persons.Theatrical presentations on violence, marches and a symbolic action at the Grand-place on October 17, are also being planned.

The Belgian coordinating body presents virtual quilts on its Website.

About 400 Belgians went to Marseille to receive the Charter and participate to the European feminist meeting of the WMW. Women from Belgium wanted the people to see in the medias and to a policital level that an important delegation of women is participing to it. They also wanted to present our European demands to the Belgian Minister in charge of Equality of chances.

Rapport MMF 2005
Last modified 2005-07-12 10:00 AM
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