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World March of Women
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World Relay - Democratic Republic of the Congo

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Joint focal point with Burundi and Rwanda.

Women in
Congo are planning:

  • Radio shows on different stations of the cities of Bukavu, Goma, Kisangani and Kinshasa, followed by a big conference/debate on the Women’s Global Charter for Humanity;
  • A march from the place of reception of the Charter to the hall where will be organized a conference for the official presentation of the Charter;
  • Presentation of the Charter to the local political authorities;
  • A march to accompany the Charter to Gisenyi, at the border of Congo and Rwanda;
  • Ceremonies for the hand over of the Charter and the Quilt.

Fights of the CAFED
Other Details on the Relay in DRC
Last modified 2005-09-28 01:57 PM
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