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World Relay - Rwanda

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Joint focal point with Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

In Rwanda, the Charter has been translated in Kinyarwanda. Pro-Femmes held awareness campaigns in the provinces and did education on the Charter. The Rwandese women embroided their symbol on their patchwork for the quilt.

To sum up, the activities in Rwanda were:

  • Translation of the Charter,
  • Education about the Charter,
  • Drawing and slogan,
  • Welcoming of the Charter and the quilt from the women of DRC,
  • Transmission of the Charter and the quilt to women in Burundi,
  • On October 17th, by noon, solidarity action for the poorest women.
More in our News section.


Plan d'action national
Last modified 2005-09-21 02:55 PM
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