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Fights of the CAFED

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In the Democratic Republic of Congo generally, and particularly in the North, one of the Provinces of the country, the women live a non peace situation:

  • They have their family’s responsibility without being prepared for it. Because of the numerous wars, they live in continuous movement;
  • They are raped and sometimes killed after these rapes, which are simple or with weapons. They die from these rapes, they get abortion or they give birth to deformed or stillborn children. These rapes cause health problem too. Those who are in certain villages spend the night in the forest, without a shelter, to flee the attacks on the villages which are often made at night.

In the decision-taking authorities, the women are not taken into account, the 30% rate of  representation is not respected, except in the Ministry of the Feminine Condition.

To fight against the violence made to women, the CAFED organizes awareness campaigns on the women’s rights so that they manage to claim their rights.

  • In the cases of rape, the CAFED is involved in the synergy which accompanies the victims of rapes;
  • In the economic context, the CAFED has a program of fight against the poverty with a micro-credit project;
  • In the context of the implication of the woman in the decision-taking, the CAFED is involved in the distribution of the resolution 1325 with statements. It participates to analysis of the women’s situation to produce documents of feminine plea at the national level (interCongolese Dialogue) and international level (Regional International Conference for Great Lakes).

The CAFED is involved at a sub-regional level with women from Rwanda and Burundi to contribute to the peace process in the region.

Contributors : Jacinthe Gouin, Chargée de la Communication et du Plaidoyer de la MMF/Burkina, Martine Senécal, Agente de liaison MMF - Burkina Faso
Copyrights : CC by-nc-sa 2.0
Last modified 2007-06-18 02:42 PM
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