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Other Details on the Relay in DRC

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African Great Lakes are waiting for the Charter and the quilt to enter their region by DRC, in the province of North Kivu, in the city of Goma, from Sudan.

For this welcoming, women from every provinces of the country will be represented by a delegation in the city of Goma, in accordance with the project of the event established by the CAFED, one of the national coordinating bodies of the World March in DRC.

The activities planned by the COFAS/South Kivu and CAFED
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  • Translation of the Women’s Global Charter for Humanity in four spoken languages of DRC (Swahili, Lingala, Kikongo and Tchiluba)
  • Presentation of the Charter in radio shows, conferences and debates, mobilization of the civil society, of theatres, and campaign to promote it in markets, schools…
  • Sewing of the quilt in Goma
    Relay transmission from Goma to Gisenyi.

At the arrival of the relay, at least 500 people will welcome the Charter and the quilt. The procession will go to the Unity stadium where the Congolese patchwork will be added to the world quilt.

The Charter will be officially hand over to the ministers of Human Rights, of Women’s condition and of Regional Cooperation. The Congolese delegates will lead the procession to the Karibu Hotel for a cocktail.

The World Charter and the quilt will be kept in the Provincial Governorat. The day after, the delegates procession will leave this place with the relay to go to the great barrier where they we be welcomed by Rwandese women.

The Congolese Women will hold a meeting of consultation to commit themselves in publicizing the content of the Women’s Global Charter for Humanity and the principle chosen by the Congolese women.

Contributors : Martine Senécal, Agente de liaison MMF - Burkina Faso
Copyrights : CC by-nc-sa 2.0
Last modified 2007-06-18 02:42 PM
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