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April 2002 - Aknowledgements

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By way of introduction
Marching On for Bread and Roses
Actions to Revolutionize the World
How We Said It: Building Solidarity
Snapshots from Home and Elsewhere
2001: A March-to Be Continued?


Ths multimedia report is a World March of Women production

Project coordinator : Mercédez Roberge

Writing and archival research : Brigitte Verdière

Editorial committee : Nancy Burrows, Diane Matte, Mercédez Roberge, Brigitte Verdière

Consultants : World March Follow-up Committee: Leonor Aida Concha, Vivian Barbot, Nancy Henriquez, Mathilde Kayitesi, Diane Matte, Emily Naffa, Miriam Nobre, Shashi Sail, Michèle Spieler. Additional support: Wahiba Chergui, Nadia De Mond, Gabrielle Labelle, Ann McBrearty, Jeannine Mukanirwa

Photographs : Petunia Alves (GIV), Lisa Bennett-Haigne, Elisabeth Blanchet, Sylvie Desautels, Komala Jacquier, Masaki Kamei, Lynette Lane, Karoline Latreille, Joane Mc Dermott, Mercantile Communications Pvt, Lise Paré, Christian Pigeon, Sylvie Rivest, Lia Scalici, Andrea Ximena et l'école secondaire Saint-Joseph de Hull ; extraits de journaux (Bulletin 28, août 2000, de Forum Mulher, Mozambique ; Gûnez et Yeni Binyl, 9 octobre 2000, Turquie ; Femmes prévoyantes socialistes, Belgique; Karibu numéro 27, décembre 2000, Rwanda ; Le Matin, 9 mars 2000, Suisse ; Marcha mundial das mulheres, Brasil 2000 ; " Our rights ", revue de l'HRITC, Yemen, 99/3)

Translation into English : Elise Boyer, Nicole Kennedy. Translation into Spanish: Magaly Sala-Skup, Antía Culebra (revision)

Graphic design : Tutti Frutti (publication), Rouleau-Paquin (logo design)

HTML programmer: Monique Fréchette

Web site host: Centre de documentation sur l'éducation des adultes et la condition féminine

Videos productions: Groupe d'intervention vidéo, Productions Virage

Financial assistance for the multimedia version was provided by the Fonds de l'autoroute de l'information of the Government of Québec .

On line : 29 juin 2002

© World March of Women
110, Sainte Thérèse, #307
Montréal (Québec) Canada H2Y 1E6
Tel : 1-514- 395-1196
Fax : 1-514-395-1224

Distribution network:

Women on the March. Focus on the Actions and Demands of the World March of Women

A book in colour co-produced by the World March of Women and Les Éditions du remue-ménage, is available in French, English and Spanish;

64 pages with many photos and illustrations (format 8½ X 11 in). 19.95$CAN

For more information, contact
Les Éditions du remue-ménage :
110, rue Sainte-Thérèse, bur. 501, Montréal (Québec) H2Y 1E6.
Telephone : 1 (514) 876-0097
Fax : 1 (514) 876-7951

For reasons of expediency, we encourage you to use the distribution network if you wish to obtain extra copies of Women on the March. If you do not have access of one of these services, please send your order form with your payment to the attention of Les Éditions du remue-ménage (see the order form online).

French version : Femmes en marche. Regards sur les actions et revendications de la Marche mondiale des femmes. ISBN 2-89091-203-5

Distribution in Canada: : Diffusion Dimedia, Tel. : 1-514-336-3941 / Fax : 1-514-331-3916 ou 1-800-667-3941

Distribution in Europe : La Librairie du Québec à Paris / Diffusion de l'édition québécoise (DEQ), Tel. : 33 01 43 54 49 02 / Fax : 33 01 43 54 39 15 /

Distribution elsewhere : Exportlivre, Tel : 1-450-671-3888 / Fax : 1-450-671-2121 /

English version : Women on the March. Focus on the Actions and Demands of the World March of Women. ISBN 2-89091-202-7

Distribution in Canada and United States : Hushion House Publishing, Tel. : 1-866-485-5556, Fax : 1-866-485-6665 Distribution elsewhere : : Exportlivre, Tel. : 1-450-671-3888 / Fax : 1-450-671-2121 /

Spanish version : Las mujeres en Marcha. Miradas sobre las acciones y reivindicaciones de la Marcha mundial de las mujeres. ISBN 2-89091-204-3

Distribution elsewhere : Exportlivre, Tel. : 1-450-671-3888 / Fax : 1-450-671-2121 /


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Women on the March
April 2002

Copyrights : CC by-nc-sa 2.0
Last modified 2006-03-23 03:09 PM
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