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April 2002 - Action at All Levels to Combat Violence Against Women

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Eliminating violence against women

By way of introduction
Marching On for Bread and Roses
Actions to Revolutionize the World
How We Said It: Building Solidarity
Snapshots from Home and Elsewhere
2001: A March-to Be Continued?


Violence against women is a crime

The most common demands of groups participating in the March are legislation prohibiting violence against women, especially sexual assault; definition of wife assault as a crime; and concrete measures to assist victims (shelters, women police officers, specialized hospital services, etc.).

Making wife assault a criminal offence: a major demand of the March in Mozambique.
(Photo Sylvie Desautels)
On March 8, 2000, European women demonstrated in Geneva, Switzerland, against all forms of violence against women.

Women in countries as diverse as Angola, Chile, Congo Kinshasa, Guatemala, India, Jordan, Luxembourg, Morocco, Mozambique, Peru, Spain, Turkey, and all of Europe demanded that wife assault be defined as a crime.

Judges must be named and special courts set up throughout the country to enact the domestic violence legislation, asserted Honduran women.

Numerous groups called for the criminalization of sexual assault and rape. Bolivian women believe that sexual violence should be considered a crime against humanity.

Women called for criminal legislation addressing violence against women in Belgium, Chad, Portugal, Rwanda, and Turkey.

"We must abolish customary practices and laws that encourage violence against women, such as levirate (the requirement that a widow marry her deceased husband's brother), forced marriage, genital mutilation, wife assault, repudiation . . . " declared African women at a meeting held in Ouagadougou in April 2000.

Women in various countries recommended awareness-raising actions, information and prevention concerning genital mutilation, and enforcement of existing laws.

"Governments must act against all forms of sexual violence and exploitation of women in the family, workplace, media and on the Internet," stated Korean women.

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Women on the March
April 2002

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Last modified 2006-03-23 03:09 PM
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