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WMW International Newsletter n. 02, July 2013

With our 9th International Meeting only a little more than two months away, reality is showing how urgent it is for us to reflect upon the path we have been building : what we have already done, how, what we achieved, what we learned, the challenges we face and, in relation to this, what changes we need to make. As we were finishing this newsletter, we witnessed two major popular uprisings, first in Turkey and later in Brazil. Throughout Europe, as in Portugal, the protests against the packages that impose pro-market policies, lead to greater exploitation of the people and increased poverty, and try to eliminate the possibility of women having autonomy over their bodies continue.

While our struggles are being heard and gaining greater presence in the streets, we also see in these processes the expression of neonazi, fascist or fundamental conservatism, which is strongly revealed through machismo, homophobia and violence.

Now, more than ever, it is necessary to do what we have been proposing since our movement began : occupy the streets, dialogue with public sentiment that demands changes and effective political participation in the decisions that determine our lives and, ultimately, radicalise democracy. In Tunisia, for example, since the World Social Forum (WSF), progressive movements continue to mobilise on the streets in order to prevent them from being taken over by fundamentalism. At the same time, we are working in alliance with other social movements, like we did at the Alter Summit, held in Greece, in coordination between social movements (either through the WSF or the Alba) and in our construction process with la Via Campesina.

On the eve of the Meeting that will also decide on our fourth international action and the transition of the International Secretariat, it is also important to do an evaluation on how to guarantee the permanence and coherence of our movement. The path we have walked along until now shows us that we made the right bet by investing in training, the renewal of leaderships and especially in building collectively.

*The newsletter with pictures can be downloaded in: English; French; Spanish; Portuguese

Read at this issue:

- Feminism on the march to change the world! Preparations moving forward for the 9th International Meeting!

- Mozambique: WMW discussing prospects for the women’s struggle and feminist alternatives

- WMW mobilizes international solidarity for justice and memory

- Women fighting against neoliberalism and conservatism
- Youth prepare their Third Feminist Camp
- Portugal: The crisis used to backtrack on gains won by women
- Turkey: demonstrations challenge capitalism and the limits imposed on freedom and democracy

Middle East-Arab World
-    Women Conference decides for an international action day against political murders

Alliances and mobilizations
- WMW present at the Women’s Assembly of Via Campesina
- Our presence at WSF 2013, Tunisia: a brief evaluation

Last modified 2013-07-15 08:38 PM
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