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World Social Forum 2009: some results of activities

Declaration of the Assembly of Social Movements, January 30th 2009
We won’t pay for the crisis. The rich have to pay for it!
Anti-imperialist, anti-capitalist, feminist, environmentalist and socialist alternatives are necessary.

Click to read the declaration.

Women’s Assembly Declaration, February 1st, 2009
In the year in which the WSF joins with the population of the Pan-Amazon, we, women from different parts of the world gathered in Belém, reaffirm the contribution of indigenous women and women from all forest peoples as political subjects that enriches feminism in the framework of the cultural diversity of our societies and strengthens the feminist struggle against the patriarchal capitalist global system (...)

Click to read the complete text.

Alternative media coverage
For various textes, photos, audio and videos about the World Social Forum 2009, held in Belem do Para, Brazil, from January 27 to February 1st 2009, visit the websites below:
- Minga/Mutirão Informativa de Movimientos Sociales:
- Radio Forum:
- Ciranda:
- Blog Parole Citoyenne (with description on some WMW activities at the WSF 2009):

Last modified 2009-02-13 04:19 PM
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