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Website Blocked!

 (This is what could happen on our website in the event that the SOPA bill is passed in the U.S.)

Today the World March of Women of Brazil participates in the protest against the SOPA, the bill that could be passed in the United States on 24 January.

This project aims to block access to websites and applications on the internet that are considered to be violating North American intellectual property.

If passed, no company with headquarters in the U.S. would be allowed to give access to a page accused of "stealing" a picture, music, text or software from North American citizens or corporations North American as they could be considered an accomplice. The project demands that whithin five days all references to these pages be deleted.

This implies that if a blog were accused of breaking copyrights of any American, google and Yahoo would be forced to delete all references to this blog as well. Wikipidea also would have to delete all links to this blog, even if the links were related to another topic.

So, although SOPA is a US bill, it will not only affect the U.S., as almost all services and websites we use daily are hosted by this country and would be affected, like YouTube, Facbook, WordPress, Google, Gmail, Twitter and many others.

The World March of Women is a movement that struggles for the freedom of women to decide about their lives in all aspects of life.

We are the result of a history of feminist building that shares ideas and practices, recombines actions, events and processes based on the realities and experiences of women from all over the world. We are not criminals when we share music or pictures that inspire us to continue to fight against sexism, or translate, subtitle and disseminate videos produced in the United States, or by compile images and produce a poster that summarizes our political vision.

Intellectual productions around the world depend on the work of millions of women through the production of life, through domestic work and care that produces and reproduces life every day. In the U.S. almost all "super creative" producers in the film industry have their homes cleaned by a woman, often immigrant, black and considered illegal. We know that this invisible work, also done by women without pay, is essential for creativity and innovations around the world.

The struggle against sexism is the daily struggle in the construction of freedom.

We fight for the freedom of ideas and for a free internet. We also want an internet free of sexism, where women are not subjected to gender-based violence, where they are persecuted for their sexuality or treated like an object.

We will keep marching, in the streets and online, until we all are free!

Last modified 2012-01-18 10:01 PM
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