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Solidarity to Honduras: stop repression now! Live audio streaming

The situation in Honduras becomes increasingly serious. The repression to the movement of resistance to the coup d’état that put Porfirio Lobo Sosa in the power after elections not recognized either by the people, nor by the international community continues.

Faced with the relentless popular resistance, the illegitimate government intensified since last month prisons, torture and murders, especially targeting leaders of the movement. On 18 March, Ilse Velásquez was killed during protests called by the teachers' movement which was joined by feminist organizations as well as the People’s National Resistance Front, FNRP.

On 28th March, Mirian Miranda, head of the Black Fraternal Organization of Honduras (OFRANEH) and member of the FNRP executive committee was arrested while participating in a peaceful demonstration held the road of the city of Tela to La Ceiba. Other 15 teachers (ten men and five women) were arrested. Thanks to the intense international pressure, Mirian was released. Click to read her testimony about her detention (in Spanish only).

We join the call of the Feminists in Resistance, who claim solidarity from people’s organizations all over the world to denounce Lobo Sosa disrespect for life and other rights of Hondurans to their national communities and international organizations or through public events, and to keep the national and international condemnation to Lobo Sosa. Click to read their statement
Neither coup nor aggressions against women!

31st March: Live audio streaming

Solidarity with Honduras and Haiti, violence against women and social and environmental effects of mining on the continent will be discussed this Thursday, 31th March, by social communicators and leaders of Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, Panama, Nicaragua and Mexico who are taking part of the workshop on communication and gender, organized by the Minga Informativa of Social Movements in Mesoamerica.

We invite organizations and popular media to tune in to the live broadcast via Internet at Radio Tremblor (, the alternative radio of Ecological Collective Voices of Panama, at the following times:
- Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Mexico, Guatemala and El Salvador: 20h00
- Panama, Ecuador, Colombia, Peru: 21h00
- Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo, Santiago de Chile, Montevideo: 23h00
- La Paz, La Habana: 22h00
- Caracas: 21h30

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Last modified 2011-04-01 01:34 AM
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