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WMW actions along March; People’s Summit on Climate Change

Images and reports on the first moment of the 2010 International Action!

The first moment of our Third International Action was carried out from 8th to 18th March in more than 50 countries. Visit the 2010 website – – to see news, pictures, videos and other material on the actions sent by the National Coordinating Bodies.

Click to access the complete list of the actions in each country.

Please, send news on the WMW actions in your country to the email:

Social movements around the world discuss common strategies on climate change

From 19th to 22nd April, social movements from around the world will meet in Cochabamba, during the World People's Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth (, called by the president of Bolivia, Evo Morales.  In face of the failure of Copenhagen (Denmark) negotiations during the COP-15 (Conference of the Parties to the UN), one of the objectives of this event is to promote debates between governments and social movements about structural and systemic causes that drive climate change and to propose radical measures to ensure the well-being of all humanity in harmony with nature

The World March of Women will be present at the conference with members from Brazil, Mexico (country where the COP-16 will be held) and Peru, as well as Bolivia. On the morning of the 19th,  we will be participating at the Social Movements Assembly which will be a priority moment of interlinking to:
- To discuss and organize our support of the proposals and initiatives of governments committed to the rights of people and the environment;
-To discuss and organize our agenda as social movements to promote our alternatives and our resistance to the commodification of the relationship between people and between people and their environment, the offensive of transnationals and the militarization.

Click to read the call of the Cochabamba Social Movements Assembly.

Last modified 2010-03-31 08:49 PM
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