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The Charter at 3500 meters above the sea in La Quiaca

By Brigitte Verdière

Antonia Tolaba, mother of 7 children, born in Lluyuchayoc,  received the Women's Global Charter for Humanity in Salta, to take it to La Quiaca. She was acclaimed by social movements of both countries when arriving in the frontier with Bolivia. On March 15, she transmited the Charter to Bolivian women on the bridge joining Argentina and Bolivia.

Reading of the Charter in Buenos Aires

Sunday March 13, women from Buenos Aires gathered in the center of the city to listen to the reading of the Women's Global Charter for Humanit. They came from all the places of the city. The reading of the Charter was accompanied by poems, music and theater. At the end of the event, the Charter begun its journey to the center of the country and then to the bolivian border.

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Last modified 2005-03-17 03:25 PM
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